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Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023)

Reinventing architecture through interpretation and reproduction

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Reinvention of architecture searches for new ways of interpreting and reproducing the materiality, the representation, and the critical discourse of architecture. Technological shifts, socio-cultural changes, the existence of new media become the primary driver of such reinvention. The collection of articles in this issue of ARSNET explores the different perspectives and urgencies of reinventing architecture. In doing so, the continuous quest of architectural reinvention enables a thorough and deep reading on the various dimensions and articulation of space.


  1. Agrest, D. (1991). Architecture from without: Theoretical framings for a critical practice. MIT Press.

  2. Arnaldi, B., Guitton, P., & Moreau, G. (2018). Virtual reality and augmented reality: Myths and realities. John Wiley & Sons.

  3. Atmodiwirjo, P., Johanes, M., Saginatari, D. P., & Yatmo, Y. A. (2018). Ecological aspects of the traditional brick making process in Pedurungan Kidul, Central Java. E3S Web of Conferences, 67, Article 04034.

  4. Evans, R. (1984). In front of lines that leave nothing behind: Daniel Libeskind Chamber Works. AA Files, 6, 89–96.

  5. Evans, R. (2022). Translations from drawing to building and other essays. AA Publications.

  6. Forty, A. (2004). Words and buildings: A vocabulary of modern architecture. Thames & Hudson.

  7. Jencks, C., & Baird, G. (1970). Meaning in architecture. Barrie & Rockcliff The Cresset Press.

  8. Keslacy, E. M. (2017). The legibility of environment: Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum (1968-1976). Journal of Architectural Education, 71(2), 154–170.

  9. Meninato, P. (2023). Theory follows photography: The evolving gaze of Denise Scott Brown. Interiority, 6(1), 5–20.

  10. Rahim, A., & Jamelle, H. (2020). Architectural impact after the digital. Architectural Design, 90(5), 6–13.

  11. Sadler, S. (2005). Archigram: Architecture without architecture. The MIT Press.

  12. Steenson, M. W. (2017). Architectural intelligence: How designers and architects created the digital landscape. The MIT Press.

  13. Till, J. (2013). Architecture depends. MIT Press.

  14. Tschumi, B. (2000). The architectural paradox. In K. M. Hays (Ed.), Architecture theory since 1968 (pp. 214–229). The MIT Press. (Original work published 1975)

  15. Zellner-Bassett, P. (2015). Between the pyramid and the labyrinth: Exploring the ‘third condition.’ 103rd ACSA Annual Meeting Proceedings, The Expanding Periphery and the Migrating Center, 457–464.


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