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Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022)

A sensorial foray into architecture

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Discussion of a sensory-driven architecture emphasises the need for a deeper and more holistic understanding of space. The collection of articles in this issue of ARSNET presents a variety of methods for engaging with the sensorial experience. These articles explore the process of measuring, interpreting, tracing, and constructing the spatial elements and spatial processes driven by sensorial stimulants, driving different projections of space. From the emergence of architecture that is more responsive to the diverse and subjective body needs in space to architecture that responds towards natural qualities as well as natural processes. Some articles also enable propositions of architectural form and programming with sensory-induced spatialities and temporalities. Through such projections, the issue creates multiple possibilities for sensory-driven design objectives which transcend contexts, practices and users, significantly expanding the sensory architecture discourse.


  1. Ahlquist, S., Ketcheson, L., & Colombi, C. (2017). Multisensory architecture: The dynamic interplay of environment, movement and social function. Architectural Design, 87(2), 90–99.

  2. Atmodiwirjo, P., & Yatmo, Y. A. (2022). Interiority from the body, mind, and culture. Interiority, 5(1), 1–4.

  3. Berg, P. O., & Sevón, G. (2014). Food-branding places: A sensory perspective. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 10(4), 289–304.

  4. Degen, M. M., & Rose, G. (2012). The sensory experiencing of urban design: The role of walking and perceptual memory. Urban Studies, 49(15), 3271–3287.

  5. Edwards, S. (2018). Sensorial interior: Museum diorama as phenomenal space. Interiority, 1(2), 173–184.

  6. Gissen, D. (2009). Subnature: Architecture’s other environments. Princeton Architectural Press.

  7. Grosz, E. (2005). Bodies-cities. In H. Nast & S. Pile (Eds.), Places through the body (pp. 31–38). Routledge.

  8. Hedblom, M., Gunnarsson, B., Iravani, B., Knez, I., Schaefer, M., Thorsson, P., & Lundström, J. N. (2019). Reduction of physiological stress by urban green space in a multisensory virtual experiment. Scientific Reports, 9, 10113.

  9. Holmes, D. (2007, December 14). Sensory park designed to stimulate senses of elderly and disabled. World Landscape Architecture.

  10. Ingold, T. (2000). The perception of the environment: Essays on livelihood, dwelling and skill. Psychology Press.

  11. Matteis, F. D. (2020). Affective spaces: Architecture and the living body. Routledge.

  12. Nast, H., & Pile, S. (2005). Introduction: Making places bodies. In H. Nast & S. Pile (Eds.), Places through the body (pp. 1–14). Routledge.

  13. Pallasmaa, J. (2012). The eyes of the skin: Architecture and the senses (3rd ed.). Wiley.

  14. Perez-Gomez, A. (2016). Attunement: Architectural meaning after the crisis of modern science. The MIT Press.

  15. Pink, S. (2008). An urban tour: The sensory sociality of ethnographic place-making. Ethnography, 9(2), 175–196.

  16. Renel, W. (2019). [Re]mixing space: Charting sonic accessibility and social equity in creative urban contexts. Architecture and Culture, 7(3), 419–436.

  17. Sengke, M. M. C., & Mustikawati, T. (2019). The visual mechanisms of seeing in experiencing the interior. Interiority, 2(2), 213–229.

  18. Spence, C. (2020). Senses of place: Architectural design for the multisensory mind. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 5(1), 46.

  19. To, P. T., & Grierson, D. (2019). An application of measuring visual and non-visual sensorial experiences of nature for children within primary school spaces: Child–nature–distance case studies in Glasgow, Scotland. Archnet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research, 14(2), 167–186.

  20. Vignjević, A. (2017). Dialectic atmosphere of architecture: On aesthetic experience and meteorology. AM Journal of Art and Media Studies, 12, 41–54.

  21. Zumthor, P. (2006). Atmospheres: Architectural environments, surrounding objects (5th ed.). Birkhäuser.


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