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Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)

Telling stories, performing operations as a design method

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Exploration of stories in architectural discourse has yet to generate a structured discussion in the methods of its operations as part of a design endeavour. This issue of ARSNET presents a collection of articles that demonstrates a variety of everyday stories emerging from the experience of space and objects, and outlines the methodologies of their corresponding spatial operations. Through the stories of occupying, manoeuvring, navigating, dispersing, and sensing, this issue highlights various methods of spatial operations. With operations ranging from tracing as a way of revealing space, reduction as manoeuvring strategy, connecting the virtual and the real as a way of finding new meaning and use of space, and creating a spatial atmosphere based on trajectories of senses; the issue expands the discussion of stories-driven architectural design methods.


  1. Atmodiwirjo, P., Johanes, M., & Yandi, A. Y. (2019). Mapping stories: Representing urban everyday narratives and operations. Urban Design International, 24(4), 225–240.

  2. Atmodiwirjo, P., & Yatmo, Y. A. (2020). Reading between the lines: Revealing interiority. Interiority, 3(1), 1–4.

  3. Benjamin, W. (1969). The storyteller: Reflections in the works of Nikolai Leskov. In H. Arendt (Ed.), & H. Zohn (Trans.), Illuminations: Essays and reflections (pp. 83–110). Schocken Books.

  4. Campbell, P. (2002). The height of the kick: Designing gameplay. In K. Rattenbury (Ed.), This is not architecture: Media constructions (1st ed., pp. 110–120). Routledge.

  5. Coates, N. (2012). Narrative architecture: Architectural design primers series. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.

  6. de Certeau, M. (2011). The practice of everyday life (1st ed.). University of California Press.

  7. Duncan, T., & McCauley, N. (2012). A narrative journey: Creating storytelling environments with architecture and digital media. In S. Macleod, L. Hourston Hanks, & J. Hale (Eds.), Museum making: Narratives, architectures, exhibitions (pp. 288–297). Taylor & Francis Group.

  8. Goriunova, O. (2019). The digital subject: People as data as persons. Theory, Culture & Society, 36(6), 125–145.

  9. Marinic, G. (2018). Internal disconnect: Material memory in the John Portman originals. In G. Marinic (Ed.), The interior architecture theory reader (1st ed., pp. 263–273). Routledge.

  10. Mosley, J., & Sara, R. (2013). Architecture and transgression: An interview with Bernard Tschumi. Architectural Design, 83(6), 32–37.

  11. Offenhuber, D. (2019). The platform and the bricoleur: Improvisation and smart city initiatives in Indonesia. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 46(8), 1565–1580.

  12. Pérez-Gómez, A. (2002). The revelation of order: Perspective and architectural representation. In K. Rattenbury (Ed.), This is not architecture: Media constructions (1st ed., pp. 3–25). Routledge.

  13. Psarra, S. (2009). Architecture and narrative: The formation of space and cultural meaning (1st ed.). Routledge.

  14. Rattenbury, K. (Ed.). (2002). This is not architecture: Media constructions (1st ed.). Routledge.

  15. Till, J. (2013). Architecture depends (Illustrated ed.). The MIT Press.

  16. Wahid, A. R., Paramita, K. D., & Yatmo, Y. A. (2021). Inscriptions: Narrating the spatial dynamics of the immaterial interior. Interiority, 4(1), 43–62.

  17. Yatmo, Y. A., Paramita, K. D., & Atmodiwirjo, P. (2020). The future landscape of architecture. Department of Architecture Universitas Indonesia.


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