ARSNET <p>ARSNET is a publication platform dedicated to creative exploration in design disciplines, from architecture, interior, and other spatial design discourses. The journal is interested in design explorations that are theoretically engaged, informed by social, cultural and environmental contexts, or enabled by technological advancements. Authors are invited to submit manuscripts that address design exploration in the form of original research, project reviews, book reviews, as well as academic design project reflections.</p> <p>Scope of discipline: Architecture, Art and Design, Computational Design</p> <p><strong>Publication Frequency</strong><br />ARSNET is published twice a year in April and October. There might be special issues.</p> <p><strong>Publisher and Funding</strong><br />The journal is published by the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia with ISSN numbers <a href="">2777-0702</a> (print) and <a href="">2777-0710</a> (online).</p> Department of Architecture Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia en-US ARSNET 2777-0702 <p>Author(s) retain copyright of articles published in this journal, with first publication rights granted to <em>ARSNET. </em></p> <p>All journal content is licenced under a <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License</a> that allows others to use the articles for non-commercial purposes with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.</p> <p><a href="" rel="license"><img style="border-width: 0;" src="" alt="Creative Commons License" /></a></p> Digital preservation of Rumah Tukang Kahar for cultural heritage tourism <p>The paper focuses on exploring the virtual collaboration process in the digital preservation project of Rumah Tukang Kahar, a traditional Malay house in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia, as a form of cultural heritage tourism. The purpose of the project is to develop an augmented reality interface through mobile app, website, and pamphlets with AR markers, to virtually and physically boost Malaysia heritage tourism economy. This paper describes a year-long virtual collaboration process between multidisciplinary and transnational researchers with various expertise between Malaysia and Indonesia under the Indonesia-Malaysia Research Consortium (I'MRC) initiatives. The paper reflects on the design and product development process and challenges within the virtual collaboration between two universities. The researchers’ involvement in the virtual collaboration process suggests that effective asynchronous and synchronous communication using online textual and visual communication tools and platforms leads to more effective, productive, and meaningful outcomes in research, collaboration, and product development.</p> Aiman Mohd Rashid Lisa Sidyawati Nor Izura Tukiman Norhaida Mohd Suaib Mohd Farid Mohd Ariff Copyright (c) 2023 Aiman Mohd Rashid, Lisa Sidyawati, Nor Izura Tukiman, Norhaida Mohd Suaib, Mohd Farid Mohd Ariff 2023-10-31 2023-10-31 3 2 84–101 84–101 10.7454/arsnet.v3i2.71 Exploring the dynamic reading of environment towards a multidimensional legibility <p>This study investigates the understanding of legibility, defined as the coherency of built environment features. Legibility enables production of mental image that helps individuals with their spatial navigation. The current discussion positions legibility as an objective aspect in the process of making sense of the environment. The study argues that such a process has dynamics that reflect individuals' subjectivity, therefore further study is important to reconcile the objective and subjective reading of legibility.</p> <p>This research qualitatively investigates legibility using a case study of an indoor environment of a shopping mall in East Jakarta. The analysis was conducted based on the objective and subjective aspects which construct individuals' cognitive map. The objective-based analysis examines the complex topological interconnection and good form principles, as well as the landmark potential based on visual, semantic, and structural saliency. Meanwhile, the subjective-based analysis focuses on examining the spatial knowledge represented through the cognitive map produced based on the respondents' experiences. The analysis shows the multidimensional nature of legibility derived from a dynamic process during the encounter between individuals and the environment. The reconciliation of the objective and subjective aspects of legibility integrates two- and three-dimensional spatial knowledge. The multidimensions of legibility demonstrate ways of revealing the complexity of the built environment, triggering various design approaches.</p> Putri Mahsa Gantari Ferro Yudistira Copyright (c) 2023 Ferro Yudistira, Putri Mahsa Gantari 2023-10-31 2023-10-31 3 2 102–121 102–121 10.7454/arsnet.v3i2.82 Contextual role of architectural background images in digital comics <p>This research aims to determine the role of architectural background images in digital comics and their proportional contribution to the overall reading interest. Digital comics are a form of media with sequential panels of images that project two-dimensional scenes positioned in a certain context. The context is presented in the background and is used as a story-building element in the comics. The study is interested in identifying important criteria of the architectural background as part of the digital comics narrative and measuring its relevance. This research uses the quantitative comparative method, with non-probability purposive sampling of 15 respondents. This research measured readers' interest in digital comics with and without an architectural background using a Likert scale and percentage interval scale to determine. Comparative analysis is done using two samples with the <em>t</em>-test. This research found that the percentage of readers' interest interval scale for digital comics with an architectural background is significantly higher in comparison with digital comics without an architectural background. The study demonstrates the various roles of architectural image as part of the story narrative, from clarification of the storyline and demonstrating representation of reality, to creating points of interest and focus.</p> Anissa Febrina Muhammad Heru Arie Edytia Zia Faizurrahmany El Faridy Copyright (c) 2023 Anissa Febrina, Muhammad Heru Arie Edytia, Zia Faizurrahmany El Faridy 2023-10-31 2023-10-31 3 2 122 133 10.7454/arsnet.v3i2.74 Between naturalistic and theatrical: Contrast narratives as context-based space explorations <p style="font-weight: 400;">The study explores contrasting narratives and the intersections between them as the basis of context-based space exploration. Narrative approaches demonstrate possibilities of creatively expanding the design process with its values on imagination and storytelling. Yet, with the focus of stories as the basis of narrative exploration, discussion about its relation to context is often limited. This study introduces the exploration of contrast narratives by exploring the intersection between the naturalistic and theatrical conception of space presented in Tim Burton's 1990 film titled <em>Edward Scissorhands</em>. The close relation of a film to imagination provides possibilities for a more rich and extensive spatial design. The results of this study demonstrate the contrast narratives depicted by differing colours, proportions, and conditions of space throughout the film. Intersections between narratives exist through interactions between characters that are repositioned from one narrative to the other, highlighting how users coming from contrasting contexts may adapt and appropriate new spaces in time. The idea of contrast reveals the contextual relations between narrative, space, and time, demonstrating a potential basis for developing a context-based architectural design method.</p> Luthfia Hananti Resza Riskiyanto Copyright (c) 2023 Luthfia Hananti, Resza Riskiyanto 2023-10-31 2023-10-31 3 2 134 147 10.7454/arsnet.v3i2.86 Transformasi gebyok Kudus dengan pendekatan hermeneutika dan intertekstualitas <p style="font-weight: 400;">Artikel ini membahas tentang proses transformasi gebyok Kudus sebagai elemen tradisi dan penerapannya pada berbagai konteks. Gebyok Kudus merupakan elemen tradisi Indonesia yang kerap dijumpai pada hunian maupun ruang publik dan telah mengalami penyesuaian dari masa ke masa. Penelitian terdahulu terkait gebyok membahas mengenai ragam hias dan makna, namun kajian mengenai proses transformasi gebyok pada masa lalu dan masa kini belum banyak dibahas. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan hermeneutika dan intertekstualitas untuk memersepsikan objek kajian dan mengkaji transformasi yang terjadi. Telaah lebih lanjut dilakukan terhadap data objek gebyok Kudus lama maupun baru melalui observasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara terhadap pemilik rumah, tokoh budaya setempat, dan pelaku industri ukir kayu untuk mengetahui latar belakang sosial budaya perubahan gebyok. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi proses transformasi dan transposisi gebyok Kudus yang ditunjukkan dengan adanya perubahan wujud, fungsi, makna, dan penempatan. Gebyok Kudus sebagai elemen tradisi yang sarat dengan simbolisme menjadi objek dengan makna yang berbeda secara estetika dan fungsi. Pemahaman ini memperlihatkan evolusi elemen tradisi arsitektur berdasarkan perubahan kebutuhan perancangan dari masa ke masa.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"> </p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">This article explores the transformation process of Kudus <em>gebyok</em> as a traditional element based on hermeneutic and intertextuality. Kudus <em>gebyok</em> is an Indonesian traditional element that commonly found in domestic or public space which have adapted from time to time. Previous studies about <em>gebyok </em>have discussed about the various aesthetic and meanings of <em>gebyok,</em> but there is limited discussion on the transformation of <em>gebyok </em>from the past to the present. This study employs hermeneutics and an intertextual approach to explore <em>gebyok </em>as the object of study and its transformation process. Further exploration is done to new and older <em>gebyok </em>through observation, documentation, and interviews with house owners, local cultural figures, and local wood carving craftsmen to understand about the socio-cultural background of <em>gebyok </em>and its changes. This study identifies the transformation and transposition of Kudus <em>gebyok</em> that is demonstrated through changes in its form, function, meaning, and placements. Kudus <em>gebyok</em> as a traditional element is imbued with symbolism into objects with different meanings in terms of aesthetics and usage. Such understanding demonstrates the evolution of traditional architecture based on changes in design needs from time to time.</p> Titihan Sarihati I Made Gede Arimbawa Rexha Septine Faril Nanda Copyright (c) 2023 Titihan Sarihati, I Made Gede Arimbawa, Rexha Septine Faril Nanda 2023-10-31 2023-10-31 3 2 148 159 10.7454/arsnet.v3i2.83 Reinventing architecture through interpretation and reproduction <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Reinvention of architecture searches for new ways of interpreting and reproducing the materiality, the representation, and the critical discourse of architecture. Technological shifts, socio-cultural changes, the existence of new media become the primary driver of such reinvention. The collection of articles in this issue of ARSNET explores the different perspectives and urgencies of reinventing architecture. In doing so, the continuous quest of architectural reinvention enables a thorough and deep reading on the various dimensions and articulation of space.</span></p> Kristanti Dewi Paramita Copyright (c) 2023 Kristanti Dewi Paramita 2023-10-31 2023-10-31 3 2 78–83 78–83 10.7454/arsnet.v3i2.91